We believe that the key to leadership is being F. A. T. : Faithful, Available, and Teachable
Faithful: Without faithfulness to God there can be no Christian life. The Bible reveals the most important and essential parts of our faith. These essentials include the life, death, and resurrection of Christ and salvation through Jesus Christ alone.
Available: While we believe that salvation is only obtained by God's grace, we also recognize that pursuing a relationship with Christ takes time and work. As Christians, we should dedicate ourselves to the calling that God has placed on our lives, and strive to give Him our very best in all that we do. Understanding the limited time we have to make an eternal impact should motivate us to work hard. We bless God when we offer ourselves to Him in service.
Teachable: The Bible teaches us the importance of having wisdom and insight. Christian growth and maturity is grounded in our ability to learn. For a person to fulfill their God-given capabilities, they must have a teachable spirit and open them themselves to whatever God wants to show them. Bible study, a fervent prayer life, and a willing spirit are key for any Christian.